Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Add This To Your 2010 Portfolio

I've been getting some great questions about the direct mail program and I want to congratulate everyone who's already made a commitment to ADD this proven winner to their financial portfolio.

Here are some facts you need to know:

Direct mail is not untested or unchartered. It has been around for centuries and has fully established laws and regulations.

Our program here adheres to the law and therefore we take tremendous pride in allowing you to make honest income from it

Our program has been automated, removing all of the barriers of learning how to run this business.

That means:

-> No buying domains, website hosting, autoresponders, etc.
-> No learning HTML, FTP, SSH or XYZ...
-> No creating or writing ads
-> No need to learn how to use Google, Yahoo, Twitter, etc.

All you have to do with our program is give our mailing house a call (5 minutes of your time each month), and they'll drop your campaign in the mail for you.

Have you read the report:

You sit back and wait for checks and money orders to arrive. It will be like Christmas every day!!!

Imagine, you wake up on the wrong side of bed one morning, forgot to brush your teeth, got to work late, and just feel awful and unproductive.

Then lunchtime comes around and you drive back to your mailbox and find 10 checks/money orders for $100 or $150 each!! Woohoo!!!

Suddenly that just makes your day. Big smile on your face and you're jumping up and down like the guy in the Toyota commercial.

Even better, you can enjoy this type of activity on a daily basis if you like. Going to your mailbox
will be like the productive financial exercise you do every day as you watch your bank account grow!

Do you see how this can be your life?

Read the report again and add this to your portfolio of winners this year!

Now is the time to do this because this is a great month to drop your mailing.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me

Happy Profiting!

*The sender of this email receives compensation when products and services featured herein are purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary. This is an advertisement.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It Doesn't Get Easier Than This!!!


I know you may have struggled with online programs in the past, and maybe some of the "learning curves" paused you in your path to success.

But let me reassure you that it's okay to run into little hurdles. Hurdles cause us think, re-evaluate, and even shift direction and go around the hurdles.

Hurdles, while it seems like a negative event, are actually an exercise for the mind. They help you build mental strength and force a focus on your situation.

If you can think through your hurdle, you'll become stronger (just like working out the muscles in your body).

But the good news is this friend.

For those of you who have struggled online, looking for the right program to work, but have maybe gotten stuck on a hurdle or two, let me give you a new
"direction" that I have personally taken myself.

In December, we generated over $12,000 from an OFFLINE direct mail campaign we tested, and the checks keep coming into our mailbox.

You can see them here:

Imagine spending 5 minutes a month and making one call to my mailing rep, who will set up an entire direct mail campaign for you, while you sit back and wait for checks in your mailbox my friend.

Would that be the kind of business that would make your life easier?

What if everything was already prepared for you so that you didn't have to "learn" anything?

I'm talking about pre-written sales letters, proven products, and complete hands free team to do all of the heavy-work for you.

Well, I believe we developed something that will get you around the "hurdles" of the Internet, by showing you the other side of the game offline.

Download my FR.EE report here:

And if you have any questions, send us an email at:

Happy Profiting!

*The sender of this email receives compensation when products and services featured herein are purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary. This is an advertisement.

Affiliate Disclosure: I am grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this e-mail, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in my e-mails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables me to empower more people worldwide to live more conscious lives. Thank you!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Caveman Cash - OFFLINE Profits In 2010 (free download)


I'm going to teach you TWO ways to get rich this year, and if you follow my lead, you may just be able to achieve financial independence very quickly.

First, if you've been following my emails, you know I'm totally committed to helping you learn how to make a killing on the Internet! That will never change.

Second, I've got something so amazingly NEW and  SIMPLE that will help you make a fortune OFFLINE.

Yeah, you heard right, OFFLINE (no internet, no computer, no technical blah blah)

Inside of my free report (download link below), I'm going to teach you how to make $1,000,000 this year using my proven and duplicateable direct mail system.

Here's how:

You see, last year, my partner and I tweaked an OFFLINE direct mail system that we had been using previously in another venture, and ran it through a test.

This test involved printing up 5000 direct mail pieces, applying 5000 mailing labels, sticking
on 5000 stamps, and dropping them in the mail.

Sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it?

Don't worry, we didn't lift a finger. We made a simple 5-minute phone call to our mailing rep, and she took care of everything that day, and our mailing went out the same week.

Over the next 2-3 weeks following that, my partner and I were shocked by the response from our mailing that we were jumping up and down with joy on the phone.

Not only did we make over $12,000, the payments have continued to come in, and all I am doing each day is going to the mailbox to collect more checks!

You can see a video of the checks we get inside the report

Long story short, we put together an amazing system that can actually help anyone who wants to make $$$, especially anyone who doesn't have any technical experience.

That means:

-> No buying domains, website hosting, autoresponders, etc.
-> No learning HTML, FTP, SSH or XYZ...
-> No creating or writing ads
-> No need to learn how to use Google, Yahoo, Twitter, etc.

If you can pick up the phone and spend 5 minutes with our mailing rep to setup your campaign order, then all you do from there is just wait for the checks and money orders to arrive in your mailbox.

It is so easy because we've done all the hard work for you to give you our pre-written and proven sales letters, a complete product, and mailing source.

You don't have to create anything yourself.

Sound easy enough?

I thought so, and I've prepared a free report for you to download instantly where I reveal my system and share with you how this works in detail.

Download it here at NO cost:

If you have any questions, let me know. Simply send an email to me at:

Happy Profiting!
Ricardo Weatherly

*The sender of this email receives compensation when products and services featured herein are purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary. This is an advertisement.